Scent Marketing Inc. successfully scents the air at notable hotels, spas, retail destinations, and beyond. We develop, deliver, and diffuse artfully designed, and highly tested fragrance oils, and scent systems, that connect your brand to your customers.
We are experts at developing stand-out custom scent profiles, experiences, and scented products for notable brands that stand-out.
We provide end-to-end ambient support for large and small businesses,
including brand scent development, state of the art equipment, fulfillment
replenishment contracts, and Private Label scent products.
Our state-of-the-art ambient equipment provides a seamless scented experience
for guests and customers, with top-quality technical support.
Top brands know and respect our expertise, insight, and passion for creating
Custom Scent Development, Guided Scent Curation,
and Ready-to-Scent ambient scents self-selection that adhere
to stringent safety and quality standards.
Our Private Label ambient products and amenities like
candles, room sprays are a hit with clients and their guests.
Scent Marketing Inc., CEO Caroline Fabrigas

A native of the U.K., Fabrigas arrived in the USA in 1980 to enter the field of beauty, and over the years rose through the ranks of the beauty industry holding key positions with some of the world’s top beauty brands in the world.